The right knowledge and techniques to sustainably influence and persuade

We communicate all the time at work. But does our communication have impact? Do your words have the desired effect on your interlocutors? Does your message stick with your employees?

In professional environments that are becoming less and less hierarchical, impactful communication is gaining importance as a way to sustainably influence and convince.

But then you first need to know how communication works, what your own communication style is and that of others.

“Only when you know your own preferred style, recognise that of others and adapt yourself, can you truly communicate with impact.”

In this two-day interactive traject ‘Communicating with impact’, you translate scientific insights and new skills to your own, professional environment.

After this traject, you will know when communication has impact. You will be able to persuade and adapt, ensuring that your message is accepted. You will know why communicating and giving feedback is sometimes so difficult and you will learn the right techniques to overcome your barriers and increase the power of your message.

You do this in 2 interactive classroom training sessions, preceded by a preparatory assignment and intake. In between, you will receive the necessary digital learning boosters to deepen, reflect and convert theory into practice on your work floor.


Your programme starts with a preparatory assignment and an intake. In it, you reflect on what communicating with impact means to you and think about inspiring examples.

DAY 1: Impact = quality x acceptance: (full day, classroom training)

To start with, you learn that impactful communication is the product of quality and acceptance. You know how you communicate yourself and in what context. You can also convince and thus ensure that your message is accepted. To this end, you learn the 6 principles of persuasion according to Cialdini and can also apply them. You also learn to apply the right techniques to increase the power of your message. Finally, you recognise the communication style of others and how you can adapt yourself to it to create more impact. We also give you some targeted practical assignments to prepare for the next session.

After this session:

  • You will know when your communication has impact.
  • You know your own communication style in different contexts.
  • You can adapt yourself to the communication style of others
  • You can apply techniques to increase the power of your message

DAY 2: Proactive and reactive conversation techniques (full day, classroom training + half day with simulation actor)

The second day in this course starts with a review and discussion of your interim assignments. You will then learn why you sometimes find communicating and giving feedback so difficult and how to get around your thresholds and pitfalls. You will also learn the right proactive and reactive conversation techniques to communicate with impact. Finally, you will work on your cases and practice with a simulation actor to turn theory into practice.

After this session:

  • You know why communicating and giving feedback is sometimes so difficult.
  • You recognise your own thresholds and pitfalls.
  • You know how to get around them.
  • You can apply proactive and reactive conversation techniques in practice.


  • Concrete cases from the group
  • Group exercises
  • Personal action plan (translation of theory to the workplace)
  • Scientific translation
  • Visual, file cards and/or e-book for each participant

This training can be used perfectly as a plug and play training, but can just as well be part of a Learning Journey. Below are a few examples that you can use to increase the effect of the training:

  • Pre- and post-course via learning boosters & use of jobaids
  • Customised visuals and/or (e-)book
  • Individual coaching afterwards

2-Day course with half-day actor (day 2 PM)

  • Max. 12 participants
  • Language: NL, FR, ENG
  • Employees
  • Manager

Accelerate your learning and do it yourself!
See our 'do-it-yourself' solutions


Formats to develop a culture of dialogue?

We all learn in different forms and in different ways. To implement the skills that are important for your organization, it is crucial that the used learning tools have the necessary impact and are aligned with your organizational culture. Based on our expertise and experience we distinguish the following:

Our events

There are currently no events in French. By clicking on the button below, you can consult the events organised in Dutch.


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