Having courageous conversations

Why courageous conversations are important, why we find them difficult and how you can have them successfully.

Transparent and clear communication is the foundation of any healthy, professional environment. If you are a manager, you have undoubtedly already faced conversations that make you feel uncomfortable. Such difficult conversations require courage.
Yet sometimes that courage is lacking. In that case, you know you should have the conversation, but put it off or avoid it.

This can have negative consequences for the working climate. In a contemporary, professional context, having courageous conversations is therefore an essential skill.

“Why do we often lack the courage to have difficult conversations?
How are you hampered in this? And how can you make difficult issues negotiable?”

In the interactive training ‘Courageous conversations’ your cases are our starting point. Not only will you gain new insights, you will also learn new skills. Moreover, you translate them to your own work environment.

In this training you learn that feedback interviews and courageous conversations are different and why some conversations require courage. You will also know what your role is as a manager in conducting these conversations.

We challenge you to discover why you prefer to postpone courageous conversations. This will help you understand how you communicate and what your limiting beliefs are.You will know what you can do to make courageous issues negotiable and how best to prepare a courageous conversation.

Of course, you also learn the right conversation techniques to successfully conduct such a conversation and to deal with the reactions of your conversation partner.

You do this in a safe environment and with a professional simulation actor. You work on a personal action plan and receive useful visuals that you can also use after the training.

You learn how to discuss difficult issues and how to have courageous conversations. Preparing for such conversations will no longer hold any secrets for you. You also know how to respond perfectly to your conversation partner. To do this, you first gain insight into what stops you from having courageous conversations.

1. What’s holding me back?

The first step to having a courageous conversation starts with yourself. Be aware of the source of your tension and avoidance. Bend your limiting beliefs into self-confidence.

2. Set the scene

Prepare your conversation and prep yourself. Stay in control. Know what you will say and do when your interlocutor responds.

3. The rules of the art

You have mastered the interview techniques for having courageous conversations. You get off to a smooth start and respond well to your interlocutors.

4. Let’s do this!

You learn by doing! So practice. With your cases, in a group and with a simulation actor.

  • You know why some conversations require courage and what stops you from having them.
  • You understand why you need to have courageous conversations and know your role as a manager in this.
  • You have insight into your way of communicating and limiting beliefs.
  • You can prepare a courageous conversation thoroughly.
  • You have the necessary knowledge and skills to discuss difficult issues and successfully conduct a courageous conversation.
  • You can deal with different reactions from your interlocutors.
  • Concrete cases from the group
  • Group exercises
  • Personal action plan (translation of theory to the workplace)
  • Scientific translation
  • Visual, file cards and/or e-book for each participant
  • Simulations with an actor

This training can be used perfectly as a plug and play training, but can just as well be part of a Learning Journey. Below are a few examples that you can use to increase the effect of the training:

  • Pre- and post-course via learning boosters & use of jobaids
  • Customised visuals and/or (e-)book
  • Individual coaching afterwards

Full day with half day actor (PM)

Adjusted format possible based on learn- ing objectives

Practical info
  • Max. 12 participants
  • Language: ENG, FR, NL
target audience
  • Employees
  • Leaders

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Formats to develop a culture of dialogue?

We all learn in different forms and in different ways. To implement the skills that are important for your organization, it is crucial that the used learning tools have the necessary impact and are aligned with your organizational culture. Based on our expertise and experience we distinguish the following:

Our events

There are currently no events in French. By clicking on the button below, you can consult the events organised in Dutch.


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